

Ivan Pepelnjak, ipSpace (SLO)

Ivan Pepelnjak je naš daleč najbolj prodoren in ustvarjalen vrhunski strokovnjak s področja omrežnih tehnologij tako na področju WAN in LAN omrežij. Z omrežnimi tehnologijami se ukvarja že od leta 1985. Je eden prvih v svetu in nasploh slovenskih inženirjev, ki so si pridobili najprestižnejšo certifikacijo v industriji Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE 1354). Ivan je znan je po številnih knjigah, člankih in objavah. Je redni pisec spletnega dnevnika ipSpace, kot tudi avtor svetovno znanih istoimenskih webinarjev s področja omrežne in strežniške virtualizacije, oblačnih storitev, SDN, VPN, IPv6 in arhitekture podatkovnih centrov. Kot dolgoletni strokovnjak in odličen poznavalec omrežnih tehnologij je zelo zaželjen in iskan po vsem svetu bodisi kot predavatelj ali kot svetovalec pri postavitvi novih podatkovnih centrov ali designa omrežij. Ivan je tudi gostujoči profesor na Fakulteti za računalništvo in informatiko Univerze v Ljubljani (FRI), kjer poučuje razvoj in design spletnih aplikacij, v svojem prostem času pa znan kot zagrizen športnik in ljubitelj alpinizma, kolesarjenja in turnega smučanja.

Martin Winter, FRRouter project / Network Device Education Foundation (NetDEF)

Martin Winter has a Bachelor in Computer Science and started with his first Internet connection in 1991. After working for a few years in Switzerland, he moved to the United States in 1998 where he worked for some time as a Backbone Network Architect at Exodus Communications (a large Colo provider) before spending (too) many years at Cisco. Since late 2011, he has been dedicated to Open Source. 

Initially working on Quagga for ISC, he later co-founded the non-profit Network Device Education Foundation (NetDEF) and helped start the FRRouting project. At NetDEF, Martin is the main person testing infrastructure for the FRRouting community. Martin enjoys travelling and Open Source Software and has a hard time understanding why people are still using closed/proprietary software. He is fluent in Swiss German, German, and English but failed in French.

David Huberman, ICANN

David has been in the network engineering world since 1999, including Global Crossing, Microsoft, Oracle, and ARIN. He’s currently doing technical engagement for ICANN, helping bridge the worlds of network engineering, regulatory rule making, and internet governance policy making.

He’ll be presenting an update on KINDNS, a new ICANN initiative to promote best practices for all DNS operators

Miha Rihtaršič, S&T Iskratel

VPP ( Vector Packet Processing) je odprto-kodna implementacija omrežnega sklada na nivojih 2-4. V osnovi teče na procesorju, z nekaj dela se pa da procesiranje na različnih nivojih predati strojni opremi. Teče lahko na različnih arhitekturah, vključno z x86, ARM in Power, ter skuša podpirati čim več različnih omrežnih kartic. V primerjavi z ostalimi rešitvami, ki tečejo na procesorju, dosega izjemne performance. Uporablja algoritme, ki optimizirajo procesorski inštrukcijski predpomnilnik, ter s pomočjo DPDK (Data Plane Development Kit) ponuja možnost, da popolnoma zaobide jedro operacijskega sistema in vso procesiranje izvaja v userspace-u.

Naša ekipa uporablja in pomaga pri razvoju UPG-VPP. Napisan je kot dodatek za VPP in implementira UPF (User Plane Function), ki služi kot element podatkovne ravnine paketnega jedra 5G. Namen predavanja je, da predstavimo VPP in glede na naše izkušnje podamo nekaj napotkov za razvijanje z njim.

Branimir Rajtar, 5×9 Networks

Branimir Rajtar is an experienced senior engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the telecommunications industry. He co-founded 5×9 Networks, a company specializing in telco-specific software with vBNG and Lightweight Monitoring System as their main products. He is currently working as the Chief Development Officer of 5×9 Networks and also as the Chair of NOG.HR.

Branimir will give a presentation about the technical challenges of building an active performance monitoring tool – what were the prerequisites, what decisions were made during development and what were the lessons learned.

Emile measuring the Internet :)
Emile measuring the Internet…

Emile Aben, RIPE NCC

Emile Aben is a research scientist at the RIPE NCC, looking at Internet interconnectivity and security through the lens of data collected by RIPE Atlas and RIPE RIS.
Originally a chemist by training, Emile worked in IT since ’98 as sysadmin, security consultant, back-end developer and researcher. He is interested in technology changes (IPv6, RPKI), data viz, sustainability and security, and is trying to build more bridges between research and operations, so
more research that is operationally relevant gets done.

Emile regularly publishes on RIPE Labs, you can find his most recent write-ups here: .
An example of Emile’s work are the write ups about the resiliency of the Internet in Ukraine (link: ).
When not working he’s pretty serious about music (guitar, bass, drums), sports (bouldering, running) and being a good parent.

Matej Rabzelj, LTFE

Matej Rabzelj is a Research Associate at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana. His areas of particular interest include cybersecurity, penetration testing and Public Protection and Disaster Relief solutions. He received a B.Sc. degree in Electronics Engineering in 2018 and an M.Sc. degree in Information and Communications Technology in 2020, both from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. degree in cybersecurity at the Laboratory for Telecommunications. In 2022 he participated as a national cyberdefense team member in NATO’s Locked Shields exercise.

Matej will talk about the design and deployment of a distributed system of SSH and HTTP honeypots for cyberattack analysis and attacker profiling using graph modeling and visual analytics.