
Lokacija SINOG 5.0 srečanja – 7. in 8. junij 2018

SINOG 5.0 srečanje bo potekalo v veliki predavalnici na Biotehniški fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani, Jamnikarjeva 101, 1000 Ljubljana.

Pot do Biotehniške fakultete je mogoča samo prek Ceste na Brdo, na kateri nato zavijete na Jamnikarjevo ulico. Če se pripeljete po avtocesti/obvoznici, jo zapustite na izvozu Lj – Brdo.

Do bližine dogodka (cca. 200m) vozi tudi mestni avtobus LPP številka 14postajališče Jamnikarjeva.

Parkiranje je urejeno na parkirnih mestih fakultete – za zapornico.

SINOG 5.0 srečanje

Zavod go6 in SINOG v sodelovanju z javnim zavodom Arnes in LTFE  organizirata letno srečanje omrežnih strokovnjakov in internetne skupnosti SINOG. Srečanje bo potekalo 7. in 8. junija 2018, na Biotehniški Fakulteti v Ljubljani, Jamnikarjeva ulica 101 (Lokacija in možnosti dostopa), s pričetkom ob 9. uri.

Prvi dan srečanja bodo predavanja domačih in tujih strokovnjakov pretežno usmerjena v tematiko IPv6. Predavali bodo svetovno priznani strokovnjaki kot denimo Ron Broersma (US Navy), Andy Mindnich (IBM), Sara Marcolla (Europol) ter drugi, spregovorili pa bodo o različnih tematikah in vidikih implementacije IPv6.  

Drugi dan bo pozornost namenjena obravnavi splošnih omrežnih tematik, kot so administracija in konfiguracija omrežne infrastrukture in storitev, načrtovanje brezžičnih točk, avtomatizacija omrežij in storitev, vpogled v globine skrivnosti optičnih tehnologij hitrosti 400Gbps, internet stvari, blockchain in druga zanimiva strokovna predavanja vrhunskih predavateljev.

Več o dogodku lahko preberete na strani SINOG 5.0 srečanja, kjer je tudi program srečanja.

Udeležba na dogodku je brezplačna, potrebna pa je prehodna prijava na naslovu: https://www.eventbrite.com/.

Generalna pokrovitelja srečanja:

CISCO logo NIL logo

Vsebina predavanj

Vsebina predavanj SINOG 5.0 srečanja – 7. in 8. junij 2018

Ron Broersma
IPv6, the Cloud, and a bit of Internet history

Testing of cybersecurty appliances to measure IPv6 functionality show a wide range of maturity, and some examples will be given. IPv6 deployment in some parts of the U.S. Federal Government are going well, while others are not. Why? Migration to the commercial Cloud is accelerating, but how well do the Cloud Service Providers support IPv6? There will also be some reflections on Internet history.

Sara V. Marcolla
The European Cybercrime Centre: joining forces and expertise to combat cyber threats

The European Cybercrime Centre (EC3 ), established at Europol in 2013, has rapidly grown to become the focal point in the fight against cybercrime in the Union, pooling cross-sectorial cybercrime expertise to support Member States and Third Parties’ cybercrime investigations and providing a collective voice of European cybercrime investigators across law enforcement and the judiciary. EC3 here presents a series of issues LEAs are facing with regards of CGN and IPv6 transitioning.

Andy Mindnich
IPv6@IBM – An enterprise journey

How do you embrace IPv6 in a global enterprise, with tens of thousands of network devices, delivery teams all around the globe and no real shortage on IPv4 space? This presentation will talk about the introduction of IPv6 inside IBM’s own network over the past few years, the challenges we’ve seen and some outlook for the road ahead of us. As enterprises
in general seem to be more behind IPv6 than ISPs or carriers, this session is aimed to help those who still need to build a case within their own company.

Ivan Pepelnjak
Real-life Network Automation

While vendor marketers keep confusing customer engineers with buzzwords like “software-defined” and “intent-driven”, an increasing number of network- and security engineers decided to go another way and solve their problems the way system administrators did years ago: by combining simple tools into a system that delivers real-life solutions to real-life problems. The talk will focus on several simple use cases.

The talk will describe real-life use cases implemented in production networks, including:

  • Configuration management and version control;
  • Information gathering and reporting;
  • Automatic deployment of data center fabrics and associated services;
  • Automatic generation and deployment of firewall rules;
  • Network state validation;
  • Compliance reports

Davida Starina in Rok Kosem
Pomen blockchaina za varnost in zaupanje med IoT napravami

Tehnologija veriženja podatkovnih blokov oz. blockchain se je v širši svetovni javnosti razširila v zadnjem letu ali dveh z razmahom t. i. kriptovalut. A kriptovalute predstavljajo le majhen delež uporabnosti te tehnologije, ki se je pred desetimi leti razvila za namen decentralizacije plačilnih sredstev. V predavanju bomo predstavili osnove tehnologije veriženja podatkovnih blokov. Razložili bomo, kako blockchain omogoča nespremenljivo shranjevanje podatkov s pomočjo konsenza med uporabniki ter vam predstavili nekaj algoritmov konsenza. Predstavili vam bomo razliko med javnim in zasebnim blockchainom ter pokazali uporabnost odprtokodne platforme Hyperledger Fabric za podporo decentralizaciji poslovnih omrežij. Poskusili bomo prikazati, kako blockchain prispeva k večji varnosti in zaupanju med IoT napravami.

Gregor Leban
Use of AI for automatic detection of world events using Event Registry

There are daily over 1 million news articles written by news publisher globally. They are intended to inform the public about the current affairs. This information can however also be collected and analyzed by computers in order to extract from the content relevant information. Event Registry is a system that we developed that can automatically collect publicly accessible news content produced by news sources globally and identify actual events that occurred in the world, which are being mentioned in the news. Using the semantic technologies we can extract also key information such as what happened, where, who was involved, etc. The extracted events provide us with a structured view of the world and it can be used to find specific types of events, find chains of related events, see how the same information is presented in different languages and much more. Extensive list of visualizations also allows the user to aggregate thousands of results in a single view in order to gain valuable insights.

Nathalie Trenaman
“Just give me a button! – Challenges of Routing Security”

In a world were Routing Security is seen by network engineers as difficult, but more and more hijacks are happening, Nathalie shines a light on the value of two Routing Security tools that RIPE NCC provides.
In this presentation we will discuss the pros and cons of IRR and RPKI, the data quality and the road ahead. 
Klaus Samardžič
Virtualne funkcije omrežja (VNF)

Klaus Samardžić, produktni vodja, Smart Com bo podal odgovore na ključna vprašanja, ki se porajajo predno se podamo v virtualizacijo omrežnih funkcij (VNF):

  • Zakaj bi potrebovali VNF v vašem omrežju?
  • Kako bi lahko implementirali to funkcionalnost?
  • Kdaj je pravi trenutek za spremembo pri ponujanju storitev v vašem omrežju?

Odgovore na vprašanja bo podkrepil s konkretnimi primeri virtualizacije omrežnih funkcij.

Marko Tišler
Ne vstopaj v moje omrežje!

Razvoj varnostnih mehanizmov v omrežjih poganja nenehno tekmovanje med industrijo in posamezniki in organizacijami, ki jih poskušajo zaobiti. Predavanje pokriva zgdovinski razvoj varnostnih mehanizmov v brezžičnih omrežjih skupaj z vse bolj naprednimi metodami poskusa vdora v omrežje ter kako se na to odziva industrija, vključno z vpogledom v novi varnostni standard WPA3.

Peter Zalar
Kako načrtovati obstoječe in neobstoječe WiFi omrežje in optimalno preživeti

Danes se s samoumevnostjo WiFi povezovanja in naraščajočim številom priključenih naprav oža načrtovalska svoboda s pomočjo profesionalnih programskih orodij.
Predavanje se bo dotaknilo žgoče problematike zavedanja pomena izhodiščnih zahtev za načrtovanje in razporeditev brezžičnih WiFi točk v kompleksnih okoljih. Obstoječa WiFi omrežja se lahko z novimi prijemi izboljšajo in njihovo uporabnost podaljša.
Od načrtovalca in uresničevalca se zahteva več. Z jasnimi zahtevami in željami je sodobno brezžično omrežje kos pokritju predvidenih lokacij in številu uporabnikov. V kratkem predavanju bodo predstavljeni problemi in rešitve na primerih.

Tom Puc, Robert Ambrož – “Internet stvari” konkretno (v živo, brez Gartnerjevih grafov)

Pred dobrim letom smo prenesli prve podatke iz vipavskega vinograda preko prosto dostopnega LPWAN omrežja brez naročnin. To je bil majhen prispevek k (eksplozivni) rasti števila “stvari”, a vsak pohod se začne s prvim korakom. Predavatelja vam bova predstavila, kako smo ustanovili skupnost Iot.novagorica.eu, se pridružili “The Things Network”, ki gradi globalno omrežje interneta stvari s tehnologijo LoRaWAN in nabirali izkušnje na ruralnih ter urbanih projektih.

SINOG 5.0 (English)

Slovenian Internet community meeting on Internet technologies.

Where: Biotehniška Fakulteta Ljubljana, Jamnikarjeva ulica 101 (Google Maps)
Organizators: SINOG, Zavod go6, LTFE in Arnes
When: 7th and 8th June 2018
Participation fee: free for everyone (in the case of congestion – sponsors and members of the Institute go6 and members of SINOG have priority for participation).
Limiting the number of participants: 150 (priority is given to sponsors and members of the Institute Go6 and members of SINOG).
Number of participants at previous meetings: Well over 100 technical experts from community per day.
Type of participants at the meeting: leading technical experts, managers and decision makers from a number of Slovenian companies (operators, equipment manufacturers, system integrators and others).

The Slovenian Operator Forum SINOG (Network Operators Group) was established in the autumn of 2013 under the auspices of the Institute go6 and combines network experts in various fields. SINOG was established with the aim to enhance the quality, performance, stability and security of Slovenian networks and network services, and actively encourage the exchange of ideas, knowledge and best practices among network professionals in Slovenia and beyond.

Slovenian IPv6 Summit was until recently the central event in Slovenian and the wider regional area, intended to monitor the progress, achievements and exchange of good practices in the transition to IPv6 and deployment to business environments and organizations. SINOG 4.0 was the first event where we joined both meetings under one name and received great interest of the professional sphere, as evidenced by numerous commendations and participants.

This year event will be again joint one, carried under name SINOG 5.0 . First day will still be more IPv6 oriented and second day with more generic network operations topics and presentations.

About the programme (shortly):
Compliments, visible efficiency and remarkable response to the previous IPv6 Summits and SINOG meetings have given us the confirmation that it is necessary to continue with such events. We are pleased to be able to once again announce the wider international lecturing band. Their knowledge and experience in the field of IPv6 and operational topics will present the experts of world’s leading companies and organizations, such as RIPE NCC – Nathalie Trenaman, ipSpace – Ivan Pepelnjak …


Predavatelji SINOG 5.0 srečanja – 7. in 8. junij 2018

Ivan Pepelnjak, ipSpace


Ivan Pepelnjak je naš daleč najbolj prodoren in ustvarjalen vrhunski strokovnjak s področja omrežnih tehnologij tako na področju WAN in LAN omrežij. Z omrežnimi tehnologijami se ukvarja že od leta 1985. Je eden prvih v svetu in nasploh slovenskih inženirjev, ki so si pridobili najprestižnejšo certifikacijo v industriji Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE 1354). Ivan je znan je po številnih knjigah, člankih in objavah. Je redni pisec spletnega dnevnika ipSpace, kot tudi avtor svetovno znanih istoimenskih webinarjev s področja omrežne in strežniške virtualizacije, oblačnih storitev, SDN, VPN, IPv6 in arhitekture podatkovnih centrov. Kot dolgoletni strokovnjak in odličen poznavalec omrežnih tehnologij je zelo zaželjen in iskan po vsem svetu bodisi kot predavatelj ali kot svetovalec pri postavitvi novih podatkovnih centrov ali designa omrežij. Ivan je tudi gostujoči profesor na Fakulteti za računalništvo in informatiko Univerze v Ljubljani (FRI), kjer poučuje razvoj in design spletnih aplikacij, v svojem prostem času pa znan kot zagrizen športnik in ljubitelj alpinizma, kolesarjenja in turnega smučanja.

Ronald L. Broersma, DREN

Ron Broersma is Chief Engineer for the US Defense Research and Engineering Network (DREN), is the Navy’s SPAWAR Network Security Manager, and is a member of the Federal IPv6 Task Force.  He began his career in 1976 as a software engineer and operated one of the original nodes on the ARPAnet, the predecessor to today’s Internet, and has been involved in network research and engineering since that time.  In 1983 he investigated the first network intrusion and has been involved in network and systems security ever since.  In 1995 he helped to investigate an intrusion that involved the first ever court-ordered wiretap of a computer network and resulted in a television documentary.  Since 2000 he has pioneered the deployment of the IPv6 protocol into production enterprise networks.  Mr. Broersma is co-founder of the Hawaii Intranet Consortium, and is co-founder of the San Diego Regional Info Watch.  Along with many awards over the years, he is the 2010 recipient of the San Diego IT executive of the year “lifetime achievement award”, and he recently received the IPv6 Forum Internet Pioneer Award.

Nathalie Kunneke-Trenaman, RIPE-NCC

Nathalie Kunneke-Trenaman is Product Manager at the RIPE NCC. Having spent 11 years, in various roles, becoming familiar with the RIPE NCC membership, her focus is now to drive improvements to a variety of RIPE NCC services and software. Nathalie gathers and acts on information to help improve the usability of various internal and external products such as the RIPE Database, LIR Portal, and the functions on ripe.net.


Andy Mindnich, IBM

Andy Mindnich is the global IPv6 and IP services architect for IBM’s internal network. He has been driving IPv6 for his company during the last 5 years, achieving some significant progress. In addition to IPv6, he is now also responsible for DNS, DHCP and IPAM services inside IBM globally. He spent 18 years overall in various roles within IBM, from a network specialist, to network architect in multiple disciplines. When not at work, he enjoys time with his family and rides his mountain bike in the forest.

Nishal Goburdhan, Packet Clearing House

Nishal is an Internet Analyst at Packet Clearing House (PCH), working primarily in the Middle East and African region. He has established, worked with, and continuously supports Network Operator Groups (NOGs) across the globe, promoting self-development through the Internet.

Nishal is also the general manager for the community-run Internet Exchange Points (INXes) for South Africa. Both from a technical and policy background, Nishal has been involved in developing interconnections and Internet Exchange Points across the globe, and now adds those years of experience to Africa’s largest peering points.

Gregor Leban, Institut “Jožef Stefan”

Gregor Leban is the CEO of Event Registry. He received his PhD in 2007 for his dissertation on the use of machine learning methods for automatic identification of interesting data visualizations. He is the author of several conference papers and papers published in high-ranking SCI journals like Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery and Bioinformatics. He has been working on several European research projects (Active, Alert, X-Like, XLime, Symphony, Renoir). Gregor is also the main author of Event Registry (http://eventregistry.org) – a system for global media monitoring.

David Starina, IBM

David Starina je diplomiral s področja računalništva in informatike na mariborski Fakulteti za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko. Svojo poklicno pot je začel graditi na tehnologiji podjetja IBM leta 2007. IBM-u se je pridružil leta 2017 – tu je trenutno ukvarja z implementacijo projektov s področja blockchaina in umetne inteligence.


Sara V. Marcolla, Europol

Sara is specialist in the European Cyber Crime Centre (EC3 Outreach team). She joined Europol in 2012 as member of the Implementation team for the establishment and development of the European Cybercrime Centre and became member of the EC3 Strategy and Outreach team in 2014, with special focus on building partnerships in the Internet Governance area and CSIRT communities. Sara acts as well as the permanent secretariat for the EUCTF (EU Cybercrime Task Force), the expert group that gathers the Heads of European Union cybercrime units to facilitate the cross-border fight against cybercrime.

Klaus Samardžič, Smart Com

Klaus Samardžić, produktni vodja v podjetju Smart Com, je specialist na področju optičnih transportnih sistemov za telekomunikacijske operaterje oz. podjetja iz elektrogospodarstva. Temu področju se posveča že dobrih 18 let. Pridobil je številne strokovne certifikate: Extreme: ESS – Wireless, EDS – Wing, Extreme Networks Design Specialist, Ciena – dizajniranje optičnih omrežij… Poleg tega je tudi član Inženirske zbornice Slovenije.

Kevin Meynell, Internet Society

Kevin Meynell works at the Internet Society as the Manager of Technical and Operational Engagement supporting the deployment of key Internet technologies including Routing Security, IPv6, DNSSEC and TLS. He previously worked for JANET, the UK NREN, before joining TERENA (now the GÉANT Association) where he worked for the next 16 years on activities including the 6NET and 6DISS IPv6 deployment projects, eduroam, the Global Lambda Interconnect Facility, and TF-CSIRT, as well having responsibilities for NREN Development Support in (South-)Eastern Europe. After leaving TERENA, he worked as the Manager of the Shibboleth Consortium that develops the widely Shibboleth web single sign-on software, before moving to APNIC as its Head of Training in 2014. He joined the Internet Society in October 2015.
Peter Zalar, Advant d.o.o.
Peter Zalar Advant d.o.o.Peter Zalar, soustanovitelj in zaposlen pri podjetju Advant d.o.o. od leta 1998, je bil do leta 2008 vodja tehnične podpore podjetja, zatem in do sedaj pa projektni vodja za področje načrtovanja  in implementacije pasivne in aktivne mrežne opreme IT centrov. Specializacije in izobraževanja posegajo na področja LAN/WAN pasivne/aktivne optične in bakrene povezovalne opreme, aktivne mrežne opreme, načrtovanja brezžičnega povezovanja WiFi in naprav za neprekinjeno napajanje podatkovnih centrov (UPS).

Je specialist inženir s pridobljenim certifikatom za načrtovanje kompleksnih (enterprise) WiFi omrežij in odpravljanje napak pri že postavljenih. Je tudi član WLA (Wireless LAN Association) organizacije.
G. Zalar je univerzitetni diplomirani inženir elektrotehnike s področja industrijska elektronika.

Uroš Bajželj – Aviat Networks

Uroš Bajželj je diplomiral in magistriral na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko v Ljubljani. Po končanem študiju se je začel ukvarjati z računalniškimi omrežji in na tem področju deluje še danes. Vmes je opravil tudi Cisco certifikat CCIE. Trenutno se ukvarja predvsem z avtomatizacijo omrežij.


Pokrovitelji SINOG 5.0 srečanja – 7. in 8. junij 2018

Generalna pokrovitelja srečanja

CISCO logo NIL logo

Veliki partnerji SINOG

Telekom Slovenije ISOC logo


Mala partnerja SINOG

RIPE NCC logo    Telemach

Pokrovitelji srečanja

advant logo XENYA logoAerohive - Aero-it

Organizatorji srečanja

 Zavod go6 logo arnes logo LTFE

 Medijska pokrovitelja

mobinet logoračunalniške novice logo

Program srečanja

Program SINOG 5.0 srečanja – prvi dan, 7. junij 2018

7. junij 2018ProgramPredavateljVideo
08:30 - 09:00Registracija
09:00 - 09:15 Uvodni pozdravJan Žorž, Zavod go6
Marko Bonač, Arnes
Andrej Kos, LTFE
Vasko Berden, NIL
Matjaž Straus Istenič,
SINOG chair
09:15 - 10:00IPv6, the Cloud, and a bit of Internet historyRon Broersma, DRENvideo
10:00 - 10:30IPv6@IBM – An enterprise journeyAndy Mindnich, IBMvideo
10:30 - 11:00ODMOR / COFFEE BREAK
11:00 - 11:30CGN and IPv6Sara Marcolla, EUROPOLvideo
11:30 - 12:00OTA - IOT Security frameworkKevin Meynell, ISOCvideo
12:00 - 12:15NAT64Check v.2 updateSander Steffannvideo
12:15 - 12:30Minute za pokroviteljeFLEXOPTIX,
NIL, Rok Arzenšek
12:30 - 13:30KOSILO / LUNCH
13:30 - 14:00“Just give me a button! – Challenges of Routing Security”Nathalie Trenaman, RIPE NCCvideo
14:00 - 14:30Avtomatizacija omrežne infrastrukture testnega okoljaUroš Bajželj, Aviat Networksvideo
14:30 - 15:00IPv4 as a serviceSander Steffann, Reteviavideo
15:00 - 15:30Virtualne funkcije omrežja (VNF)Klaus Samardžič, Smart Comvideo
15:30 - 16:00Zaključek prvega dneva in žrebanje nagradJan Žorž, Zavod go6
16:00 - Hladna osvežitev in druženjePokrovitelj hladne osvežitve: Vadria.Net


Program SINOG 5.0 srečanja – drugi dan, 8. junij 2018

8. junij 2018ProgramPredavateljVideo
08:30 - 09:00Registracija
09:00 - Uvodni pozdravUrban Kunc, SINOG co-chair
09:00 - 09:45Real-life Network AutomationIvan Pepelnjak, ipSpacevideo
09:45 - 10:15Quad9: A Free Secure DNS Resolver ( Goburdhan, PCHvideo
10:15 - 10:45Ne vstopaj v moje omrežje!Marko Tišler, Aerohive
10:45 - 11:15ODMOR / COFFEE BREAK
11:15 - 11:45Kako načrtovati obstoječe in neobstoječe WiFi omrežje in optimalno preživetiPeter Zalar, Advant
11:45 - 12:15The Road to 400G over the next 12 monthsThomas Weible, FLEXOPTIXvideo
12:15 - 13:00“Internet stvari” konkretno (brez Gartnerjevih grafov in z live demo prikazom) Tom Puc in Robert Ambrož, iot.novagorica.euvideo
13:00 - 14:00KOSILO / LUNCH
14:00 - 14:30Pomen blockchaina za varnost in zaupanje med IoT napravamiDavid Starina in Rok Kosem, IBM Slovenijavideo
14:30 - 15:00dpdk + vpp + fd.io + routing stack v praksiPrimož Brataničvideo
15:00 - 15:30Use of AI for automatic detection of world events using Event RegistryGregor Leban, IJSvideo
15:30 - 16:00IPSec izolacija omrežja v Windows domenskem okoljuMiha Pihlervideo
16:00 - Zaključek in žrebanje nagradJan Žorž, Zavod go6

Organizatorji dogodka si pridružujejo pravico do spremembe programa.


Strokovno srečanje tehnične skupnosti o internetnih tehnologijah.

Kje: Velika predavalnica Biotehniške Fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani, Jamnikarjeva ulica 101 (Lokacija in možnosti dostopa)
Organizatorji: SINOG, Zavod go6, LTFE in Arnes
Kdaj: 7. in 8. junij 2018
Cena udeležbe: brezplačno
Omejitev udeležencev: 150 (v primeru prezasedenosti dvorane imajo prednost pri udeležbi pokrovitelji, člani SINOG skupnosti in člani Zavoda go6)

SINOG (Slovenian Network Operators Group) je neodvisna skupnost, ki združuje omrežne strokovnjake različnih področij. Ustanovljena je bila z namenom povečati kakovost, učinkovitost, stabilnost in varnost slovenskih omrežij in omrežnih storitev ter dejavno vzpodbujati izmenjavo idej, znanja in dobre prakse med strokovnjaki v Sloveniji ter širše. Srečujemo se na letnem srečanju, polletnih tematskih delavnicah in mesečnih »Meetup« srečanjih. Osrednji dogodek skupnosti je letno SINOG srečanje, ki bo letos že peto po vrsti.

Do nedavna je bilo Slovensko IPv6 srečanje največji osrednji dogodek v slovenskem in tudi širšem regijskem prostoru, namenjeno spremljanju napredka, dosežkov ter izmenjavi dobrih praks pri prehodu na IPv6 in uvajanju v poslovna okolja in organizacije. SINOG 4.0 je bilo prvo srečanje, kjer smo obe tematiki združili pod enim imenom in nanj dobili zelo pozitivne odzive naše skupnosti.

Tudi letos bo dvodnevni dogodek, IPv6 in SINOG srečanje, združen pod enotnim imenom – SINOG 5.0. Prvi dan bo kot vedno namenjen pretežno IPv6 tematikam, drugi pa bolj splošnim s področja omrežnih tehnologij.

SINOG 5.0 srečanje nadaljuje dobro prakso predhodnih IPv6 in SINOG srečanj in združuje visoko-tehnološka predavanja vrhunskih mednarodnih in domačih strokovnjakov o aktualnih izzivih, reševanju le-teh in kratke predstavitve dosežkov domačih podjetij in organizacij.